Pond5 sell so many different types of media that your earnings on Pond5 will really depend on what exactly you are selling.
For me, it's a mixture of photography, vectors, video footage and sound effects.
Based on those media types, I can say that Pond5 seem to be increasing their market share and sales. Video footage and sound effects sell the most frequently for me. But I would expect that to gradually change as buyers come to realise they sell more than just video, which they are traditionally known for.
The really nice part is that since you can set your own prices, you are always pleased when you get a sale. Literally as I write this review update, I just sold a video license which netted me $55. That's the great part about Pond5 – set your own prices, and get a reasonable amount of sales. Win, win.
In addition to their regular sales, Pond5 have a Global Partner Program. What does that mean? A few things.
In their own words it allows contributors to “distribute your works to a group of hand-selected resellers and high-volume customers who have not previously used our marketplace.” So basically it seems somewhat similar to Shutterstock’s move a few years ago to gain massive corporate clients with specialised packages.
An unusual addition though is the announcement in 2017 that Adobe Stock would now be a reseller of Pond5’s video footage. Ultimately it puts your footage in front of more eyes. It just seems odd that Adobe couldn’t source the amount of footage they wanted directly. But perhaps this arrangement is temporary until Adobe can do just that.