There’s just something about being a part of Dreamstime that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. Maybe it’s the unusual name. Perhaps it’s because of their super friendly contributor forum, or maybe it’s the fun competitions they run. Then again, it could just be because Dreamstime make a lot of sales for decent money for a wide range of photographers and illustrators.
It's also not a bad place to start for amateur photographers and new illustrators, as their reviews aren't quite as strict as many other places. As such, you can quite likely get your images online and in front of buyers while you learn the finer points of being a successful stock contributor.
They also have one little trick up their sleeves that is quite unique. You can choose to upload your camera’s RAW image as an additional format, which sells for far more than a normal jpg. Of course this is optional and debatable as to it’s effectiveness. Some are more than happy to part with their precious RAW file in the hope of earning extra. Personally, I opt not too – but it’s nice to have the option for ones who are willing.
It’s also the only library I would ever consider going exclusive with (not that I think going exclusive is a good idea at any agency). But if you have little time on your hands and just want to sell photos as a hobby, then Dreamstime exclusively would be the place to focus on. You even get a little bonus cash for every upload you make!
While on the topic of exclusivity, you can elect to make individual files exclusive to Dreamstime. That's without having to be an exclusive photographer. So you can pick a couple of your images that may sell well on Dreamstime but not in other markets and make them exclusive to give you better return per sale and better search rankings! Great stuff right?
In short, there is no doubt that this is a microstock agency worthy to sign upto. Regular sales, good rates, friendly staff, decent website – no wonder we gave them 85 / 100!